Monday, May 24, 2010

You've got mail

Before I went to Eldoret last Monday, I stopped at the big post office to send some letters that I have been meaning to send for a long time now. I really like receiving letters myself so I thought it would be special to write letters to people back home. I didn't realize the process was so long. I think from the time I bought the cards (which I had been looking for for weeks) and wrote in them, found addresses and got them to the post office, it took about 4 weeks. Once I got to the post office, they gave me the stamps to go put on all the letters. These are the old fashion stamps that you have to lick to get them to stick not like the ones that are already stickers back in Canada. So I sat down and started licking my stamps and plastering them on the envelopes. I then realize everyone else is staring at me. I figure out that no one else is licking the stamps. They are using the glue or water provided on the table. I stopped licking them and started to use the water to paste them on. It worked better and my tongue didn't taste like adhesive anymore.

The process was long and took a lot of work so if you don't get something in mail, please know I still love you and that I will be working on my communication through emails. 

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