Monday, April 2, 2012

Visions and Goals

A couple Saturdays ago, my topic with the girls was "Visions and Goals". As I have talked with Kenyans, I have learned that while they were growing up, they weren't encouraged to think about their futures or to make any goals for their lives. A friend of mine told me, "From the age of seven, my mom was teaching me to be a wife. That was it. We were never told to think of anything else for our lives." I started to wonder if this was the same for my own girls.

I had a little discussion with them about what it means to have a vision for your life, to set goals, and then to plan the steps in how you can achieve your goals. I had made a little sheet that I asked them to fill out and then bring back to me the next week. On the sheet, they were to write 3 goals they want to accomplish by the end of the year and how they plan to meet those goals. They were to write 3 goals for their life time and how to accomplish them. They wrote of the various things that would hinder them from achieving these goals and then they wrote a general vision they had for their lives.

I got back the sheets this week and finally read them today. I was smiling ear to ear hearing the hearts of these sweet sweet girls. I sat and prayerfully looked through them asking that God would help them to accomplish all their dreams. I know their are some that I can help. For instance, one girl wants to write and produce a song by the end of this year. I just happen to have a really good friend who is a famous gospel artist and just finished recording her album. I am going to see if I could hook them up.

So here were some of their goals:
- to write a song
- to be a good mother
- to be God-fear
- to help my parents
- to achieve (certain) grades in school this year
- to finish computer classes
- to have good morals
- to help the orphans and the needy in the community
- to obey my elders
- to be an accountant/secretary/business lady/journalist
- to preach peace all over the world
- to start a netball association
- to unite our family
- to fight poverty amongst their beloved community
- to have my own tv show
- to remain faithful in terms of a relationship (not fooling around with boys)
- to care for the environment (this is so un-kenyan)

Quite a few of them put "having fun" as one of their goals. I think that is such a great goal! Then they talked about the ways they were going to make sure they have fun ie. go to the beach, hang out with friends, play games,etc. Go have fun girls! 

I was surprised how selfless many of their goals were. Most of them wanted to help their families. Many of them wanted to help out their community (especially orphans - we have a couple girls who are actually orphans). All of them want to walk with God. Alot of them wanted to preach peace in the world. Their hearts are beautiful!!

The biggest challenge for them is finances. That is no surprise.

At the bottom of the page, I wrote in quotes:

"*Remember: God has a purpose for all our lives. He created you to do great things. If He puts a goal or vision on your heart, He also provides a way to accomplish it. Nothing is impossible without Him but you must have faith"

Sometimes I just think of all the goals or visions God has put on my heart over the years and of how they have come true. I mean the Rehma Ladies was a vision I had and look at us now! Our God is so amazing.

Pray for these ladies. I really want to help all of them but in my own capacity, I can't. I am trying to think of ways that we, as a group, can make some money. I have a few ideas so far but will let you know when they transpire. 

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