Monday, December 17, 2012

Love Letters

I have decided to write love letters for all my ladies.

I want to encourage them and speak into their lives like so many people have done to me. I remember times where a few words spoken into my ear from someone I loved often shaped my vision or plans for my life. It confirmed things that God had already placed in my heart and desires. It affirmed me and allowed me to see who I really was.

I want to do the same for my ladies. Because they are some pretty amazing women. God created them for a purpose. He created them uniquely and with a great plan for them. He loves them. He fashioned them. He wants only good things for them. He placed desires and dreams in their hearts that He wants to see come to pass. And I want them to know that.

I have been busy cleaning my house all morning and praying about the words to say to each girl. There are some that are clear leaders and some that are peacemakers. There are some that have a flare for creativity and some who are great at organization. There are some who will serve as big lawyers or politicians and some who will serve as faithful secretaries or teachers.

Pray with me would ya? That I would speak words of affirmation and love into their lives.

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