Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Favourite Moments of the week

I love this picture as it shows the hearts of the boys. They are huddled together in a word of prayer before they started their game last thursday.

In Kenya there is no such thing as personal space especially when it comes to vehicles. There are no rules. You just fit as many people as you can. Here are 3 of the boys squeezed in the back of a tiny tiny car. The poor boys are tall too. They were such troopers. I usually get front seat since when cops see me they don't stop us. Sometimes it pays to be white.

On sundays we go into the city and often end up at this mall to get ice cream. This mall has escalators and 2 glass elevators. It's funny because many of us had never tried an escalator before so they were quite nervous. This is Gabriel, one of my classmates. This was his first time in an elevator let alone a glass one. We went up and down several times as if it was a ride. He thoroughly enjoyed. He was a brave one. Some of the other boys wouldn't dare get in with me.

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