Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Settling in at home

I just managed to get my internet up and running this morning. I am now just catching up on emails, facebook, blogs, and tons of other somewhat mindless things on the internet.

It feels so wonderful to be nestled back in my little home in Mombasa. On sunday, I was leaving church with Kelvin and a friend overwhelmed with contentment and peace. This is home. I do not always like it and it seems to get more dysfunctional by the second but its home.

Instead of writing huge paragraphs about my journey, my observations, and thoughts that I have gone through over the past week or so, I am just going to do it in a point form list. Here is goes:

  • Saying goodbye was easier knowing that I was going to see my family again in two short months. 
  • Saying goodbye to my grandmother was horribly emotional as I am not sure if I will ever see her again.
  •  The flight to Amsterdam sucked. I already hate planes even if they are smooth sailing but I felt like the plane was rocking back and forth for the first 5 hours. Then Amsterdam was having some terrible winds and at one point threw our plane to one side causing everyone to gasp. It was so foggy outside that we didn't see the land until our wheels almost hit the ground. All I could feel was that we were going down. The flight to Nairobi was much more pleasant. There is no better feeling than having your feet firmly on the ground. 
  • Seeing Kelvin again was pure joy. I felt like we could have talked for hours catching up on life. 
  • Found an awesome wedding photographer in Kenya. 
  • Saw a dead body just minutes after it had crashed on its motorcycle. The helmet was completely smashed, blood everywhere, and some innards were sprinkled on the road. Such a raw moment and made me really thankful that I have been safe. Made me ponder about life and how quickly and unexpectedly it could end. I was amazed at how so many people stopped what they were doing just to stand by the road and stare at the dead body. Move along people! I am sure you have some where else to be.
  • Drove by another accident on our night bus home. I thought we were getting hijacked by a gang because everyone in our bus gasped and woke up. Again, they just had to get a look at others' misfortune. 
  • I thought our bus would be the next one to crash the way our driver was driving. 
  • Mombasa has been gloriously cool since I got home thanks to a small storm that has made its way through the area. It has poured rain all night drowning out the blaring music from the local bars. Although everything has turned to mud and none of our clothes can dry on the line. 
  • Men cannot clean houses. I came home to a very neglected home. I spent my first day cleaning every forgotten corner. 
  • Mould has also started to appear. I guess its gotten crazy humid thanks to all this rain. Just gotta keep on top of things so this mould doesn't get out of control (don't worry, it's not that extreme.)
  • Jet lag has been terrible. I have never experienced it like this coming back to Kenya. The last few nights I have been wide awake at 1 am spending time with my Kindle and sleeping in till mid morning while feeling groggy till mid afternoon. No fun. 
  • I pulled a muscle in my lower back yesterday trying to move around my new mattress. I try not to bend as much as possible. 
  • I am excited to start writing out my wedding invitations. 
  • Some of my neighbours have disappeared. I am told they went to Europe with their older white husbands. 
  • I have a sweet friend coming to visit this weekend from California. I love visitors! 
  • Kelvin and I are getting more and more ready to get married as the days past. Only a short couple months and we will be husband and wife! 
A little glimpse of life for now. Power is out and my computer is about to die. Talk to you all later!

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