Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mombasa RAHA!

"Mombasa Raha" is a popular phrase here on the coast. "RAHA" means joy or happiness. It's sort of a phrase to express the excitement and fun of the Mombasa lifestyle. It's a very party central, tourist, paradise type area so there is lots of fun to be had.

And this is where I will be for the next 5-6 months. Enjoying the "Mombasa Raha" or at least trying to. Honestly, I didn't think I would ever come back to Mombasa after living here last year but to my surprise, this is where God has brought me back to. My goal this time around is to truly enjoy the Mombasa RAHA. I want to enjoy myself, have fun, not be too serious yet still work hard for God and for Him to be glorified!

This is the view from my balcony. Yes, it's almost paradise. That is the beautiful Indian Ocean in my backyard. Our compound is right on the beach in one of most popular tourist spots in East Africa. All our neighbours are fancy resorts. No bush whacking for this missionary only swimming lessons.

I am slowly settling in here at Word of Life. There have been some changes since I was here last so I am trying to adjust. I will officially start working next week which gives me a few days to adjust. I am not feeling great so I am spending time just relaxing and laying in bed hoping to get better soon. I decided to go through my suitcases which haven't been aired out for almost 2 months now. I wasn't quite sure what I would find in there but I had suspicions that something was growing in there.

My suspicions were right. As I was pulling out all my clothes, I noticed that part of my bad had turned white. As I got closer and started scratching it, it broke open and I found a big egg sack. Yuck! Luckily, the eggs must have died and dried up so nothing hatched. The mother (whatever insect it was) must have evacuated my bag and left the babies to die. Thank you Jesus! I am not a big fan of bugs although I am building my tolerance for them the more I encounter them here in Kenya. I remember at one time last year, I had a black widow and her egg sack in one of my toilets. I just let her be and made sure she stayed there the whole time I was using the toilet. I figured that if I could still see her, then she didn't have a chance of biting me.

So Mombasa RAHA here I am! Actually, lets make that Jesus RAHA!

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